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Hostile employee termination


Sphereworld Security & Investigations specializes in high end, customer service focused security, investigative, training, and consulting solutions. Since our inception in 2009, our goal has been to meet and exceed our client’s expectations. We accomplish this by actively utilizing both internal and external active management techniques and focusing our services tuned to our clients’ hierarchy of needs, resulting in a high quality service our clients and employees appreciate and respect. We value professionalism, reliability, and prevention versus reaction and implement field tested steps to avert incidents before they occur.

In modern times, when employees do not perform as they should, become disgruntled or even violent in the workplace, management cannot gamble with a simple termination. Our tried and true method of assisting employers in terminating hostile employees has been 100% effective in mitigating employee threats and defending against unlawful and inappropriate behaviors.

After a full assessment and consultation, silver edge institutes a multifaceted approach involving a covert and overt security presence before, during and after the employee termination. We also dedicate a full surveillance team to monitor the movements and actions of the terminated individual and warn those of interest that they are heading in their direction.

Lastly, we assist with the legal process including delivering the termination itself, serving restraining orders and providing final checks.

It is important to take great care when terminating a hostile employees, particularly when threats have already been made. Take the right steps and keep you, your workforce, and your brand safe.


Sphereworld Security & Investigations: Security, investigation, training, and consulting solutions.


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